But once you get going on your primary computer, you’ll mostly use Mylio’s main interface. Your first experience with Mylio will likely be on its website as you download the software, or, if you start on a mobile device, the sign-up process through the app. It comes in three different levels of service, depending on the number of photos you have and the number of devices you want access to. Sure, other programs will back up your images, or organize and edit them, but Mylio brings with it a very smooth interface and helpful automation that we think will appeal to a lot of shooters. This way, when I ask you, “Where’s that great picture of Molly you showed me at my birthday party last year?” you can find it again, send me a copy, or make a print.
#Mylio vs lightroom software
The subscription software service Mylio, which stands for My Life is Organized, hopes to offer an easy way for you to keep track of all of your images, while letting you keep scaled-down versions with you wherever you are. Where are your digital images? Are they on your computer’s hard drive? Are they on USB drives that you sometimes connect to your computer but tuck away when guests come over? Are they on a bunch of thumb drives in your desk or camera bag? If you’re like most people, you’ll answer yes more than once-and then realize you also have photos on your cell phone, tablet, and uploaded to Facebook and other sites. Once the drive is attached again, all changes will be reflected across all devices.

The shields are not green because the USB drive isn’t hooked up to a computer, but we can still work with pre. This view shows the contents of a folder in Mylio.